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We Gratefully Acknowledge the support of the many institutions, organizations, companies, and individuals who have freely contributed time and resources to the establishment and continuing operations of the Chebucto Community Net.


The Chebucto Community gives its thanks to the generous grants from CIRA and ACORN-NS. Because of this, Chebucto Wireless can now help provide internet access to Ahern Manor (2313 Gottingen Street), Sunrise Manor (2406 Gottingen Street), and Gordon B Isnor Manor (5565 Cornwallis Street).

Halifax Public Libraries

The Halifax Public Libraries have provided much needed support to Chebucto Community Net during its early years with Organizational support, training, and space for public access terminals.

Dalhousie University Faculty of Computer Science

The Faculty of Computer Science has provided capable university co-op students who have worked in the development of further technical enhancements at Chebucto.

Dalhousie University Computing and Information Services

Dalhousie UCIS provides network connectivity to Chebucto Community Net, offers network support and has donated equipment to Chebucto.

ISED Canada

Industry, Science and Economic Development Canada provided funding for the development and implementation of the CSuite software which allows community nets to access resources and develop community networking capabilities.

Other Supporters

We have many people who have asked us to host their websites, who collectively are known as the Chebucto Community. To take a look at their websites, click the link below to see the entire list.