Chebucto Community Net 1996 AGM

Dear Chebucto Community Net User:

This is your official notice of the upcoming:

Annual General Meeting of the Chebuto Community Net Society Wednesday, April 23rd, 1997 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. Halifax North Branch Library Auditorium 2285 Gottingen Street Halifax

There will be a Help Session from 6:30 to 7:15 with particular emphasis on downloading and uploading mail. If you have other technical questions, we would appreciate having advance notice so someone will be prepared to answer them. Please "reply" to this message with such questions. The Nominating Committee will be composing a slate of directors for election at the meeting. If you would like to make any suggestions, please direct them by email to <nomcom>. As always, nominations from the floor will also be possible.

  1. Minutes of 1995 annual general meeting
  2. Reports from Board of Directors
  3. Financial Report
  4. Election of Directors for 1997 -1998
  5. Appointment of Auditors

All Chebucto Community Net Users are welcome to attend the meeting and ask questions or make comments. However, only members of the Chebucto Community Net Society are entitled to vote at the meeting. Memberships may be purchased at the door. We hope you will attend.

Joan Macintosh, Chair

Chebucto Community Net Society